Please drop us a line, we love to hear from you. Your prayers, feedback, ideas, time and contributions are continually cherished. Blessings.
How can you reach Path to Womanhood?
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i would like to partner with you to make someones life a bit easier
Hi Terry
Thanks so much for touching base with us. We have so many opportunities for you to partner – we welcome you to fundraise amongst you spaces such as chamas, office pals or neighbourhoods. So If you want to do this, please let me know and we can get you on it. We are also supporting Binti Football Team in Kawangware of a year wuth supplies of panties and pads. We are looking forward to hearing from you. We additionally love to have volunteers join us on our outreach days as we do distributions and have forums of reproductive health, sex, abortion etc
Best wishes dear!
Hi Naomi,
We communicated sometimes back. I sent an email to your gmail account. Please check it and am looking forward for your response.
Good day
Doris, thanks for dropping a line, I am sending you the information you require on email shortly
Best wishes
Dear madam/ sir,
I am writing to explore the possibility for cooperation between Luhwahwa Youth Development Foundation in Kasese, western Uganda and Path to Womanhood Foundation.
Luhwahwa Youth Development Foundation (LUYODEFO) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that provides support to marginalized communities across the Rwenzori region of western Uganda.
Our programs are designed to benefit young people especially orphans and vulnerable children (OVCs) and youth, women, and chronically ill patients especially those affected by HIV/AIDS, Cancer and Diabetes. We hope that by empowering young people to build communities, we can create long-lasting change through generations. More information about the organization and our work is available on the website
I have thought its worth contacting you to explore any opportunity to partner with you and your programmes so that we can deliver quality services to the young girls and entire communities in western Uganda.
Looking forward to hear from you, thanks for the attention and consideration.
Best regards,
Ndungo Samuel,
Director, LUYODEFO
P.O Box 69,
Kasese – Uganda
Samuel, thanks for dropping a note, i shall be sure to send you an email on how we can work on something together. We appreciate you and your organisation for the amazing achievements you have working with girls, kudos!
Hae naomi am a board member of kenya red cross maragua branch please advice me on how we can partner ,currently we are dealing with mentally challeged group of girls ,disabled and very vulnerable schooling girls who are in great need.please advice me
Nice work naomi
Thank you
I love what you are doing. I manufacture reusable sanitary pads called dadapads.
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