

Sanitary pads are unfortunately a luxury for girls of low income homes in Kenya. It’s time to do something about it. Together we shall be able to do something about it. As we look towards the 2nd initiative the target is to raise at least 1,050 packets of sanitary pads which shall be distributed to […]


Where are we?

I have been busy planning for the outreach this Saturday, it’s pretty exciting. The school we wanted to visit in Kiandutu slums is not able to meet up as we had planned 🙁 So we have had to postpone that one. Today i met with the Polycom Development Project in Kibera, its amazing the many […]


What can you do?

There are many issues that our governments need to take care off on our behlaf. Some of these are big some are small and some reach magnitudes that you and I perhaps cannot imagine. Life cannt be perfect, and i do not think that it was ever meant to be. Without the struggles and difficulties, […]