Outreach like no other | How it went down

Anyone who attended the outreach this past Saturday will confidently confirm what an awesome esperience it was. This time round i was a bit iffy about the outreach and not too sure how the session with the doctors will go. Would the girls speak up about their problems? Would they be depressed? Would we handle the issues? Would we be depressed?

The theme for the day was Choices and Consequences

Group session ongoing

We met at Prestige by 9am-ish, myself, Ciku, Lydiah and Dorcas. I was glad to have 2 doctors for the day. The girls were already waiting for us, thankfully Jane had organised that we could use the Kibera DO’s hall. Unfortunately the hall could only hold 100 and this was to be a test drive run to understand how an outreach with doctors could work. Most importantly would it be meaningful?
We started the day with prayers and an introduction of friends and guests. It was nice to see excitement in the girls eyes, and truth be told i am always a bit nervous whenever the outreach day is here. Sadly though we could only have 100 girls for this outreach unlike previously due to space constraints.

We immediately got to work, split the girls into 3 groups: 12-14 year olds, 15 -16 year olds and 17 and over. In each group, one of us was facilitating. A range of the issues addressed were:
• Is orange juice able to destroy sperm?
• Is sex for the first time painful and will i bleed?
• Is it normal to miss your periods for 8 months?
• What can i do about cramps?
• If i take about 7 contraceptive pills can a pregnancy be aborted?
• What are the side effects of contraceptive pills?
• Are sex dreams normal or demonic?
• Is masturbation normal?

Many of the issues we dealt with revolved around sex, monthly periods, and general reproductive health questions. All age groups had different issues but one commonality is they all wanted answers. It was surprising that there are many myths out there which have been construed as truth. The groups sessions were very interactive through sharing personal stories. Some were very funny some were simply sad, but given that we had professionals on hand we were able to address each and every question. None was left unanswered.

Lunch is served

Thanks to Jane, we had lunch for the girls which allowed us to mingle one on one.
As an end to the session we distributed the sanitary pads which many made donations to recently.

Many thanks to all the supporters and those who contributed to the sanitary pads. In total we got 288 packets of sanitary pads for 100 girls. It was a successful day and boy was i glad to have God on my side.

Sanitary pads distribution

Please see more photos on our Path to Womanhood Facebook group page

Posted in PTW

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