So there’s good news and bad news, which would you rather hear first? I think the good? Here goes, at least the Kenyan government recognises that there is actually a need for sanitary towels to be distributed to girls from poor families, stating that at least 2.7 million are affected. the figure could actually be higher than this.
The bad news? Well, though Ksh 300 million had been set aside this financial year, it will actually be postponed to Jan 2012. I personally do not get the thinking behind it, apparrently the government needs ‘more time to bring on board more girls.’ That beats logic if you ask me, i mean why not start the distribution of sanitary pads to the girls you already have on board as you poceed on with bringing more girls on board? It makes me angry that this is the reasoning behind the delay.
The ugly is that most likely this support will go towards the public schools, so hundreds of smaller non public schools in slums and rural areas may be left out? I don’t know, they have not yet made it clear.
Please read the article in today’s Nation newspaper here and share what your thoughts may be!