I recently saw this campaign, and felt very draw to it. Not only is this the reality in India but in many many developing countries world wide.
Menstruation is seen as a taboo, its some issue women have that they shouldn’t talk about in public! Oh my…
Akar Innovations have started an online campaign to help them raise funds, they are a social enterprise working to improve the lives of underprivileged women in rural India by empowering them as local entrepreneurs who provide their communities with quality menstrual hygiene products at affordable prices, as well as spread awareness on reproductive health so as to dispel the social stigmas associated with menstruation.
Support their campaign here, in our efforts all over the world to help girl child!
Some statistics for you to think about:-
9 out of 10 women in India do not use sanitary pads (7 out of 10 use an old cloth)
1 out of 4 girls drop out of school once they reach puberty (yes, that is a quarter of the next generation of Indian women)
#girlsmatter #makingithappen