Our Easter break came with it some amazing and exciting news which i am happy to share.
Education for us here at PTW is core to what we believe will break the poverty cycle for many families.
Think of a family with one father and three mothers and perhaps seven children, in the remotest part of your mind where no roads exist, where no cellular network exists, where the only sorts of buildings in the area are made of mud and there is no indoor plumbing or running water. The nearest source of water is a one hour walk in shoes that you actually do not have or own, in terrain that is dry, scorching hot and simply difficult to live in let alone walk in.
Most of our girls come from these backgrounds, to them this is home. Education for girls does not in anyway become a priority, it becomes a burden and the easiest way to rid the burden is to have you be someone else’s burden and so you are married off as soon as possible. In most cases, your husband has already identified you long before you had a clue that you could be married off.
Fisher Jones Greenwood Solicitors (FJG) have understood what we are trying to do, by rescuing most of these girls and getting them an education. Where would you be without the education you have? For us at Path to Womanhood Foundation we believe that most of the girls can and will break poverty in their homes. They will bring change to this community and they will bring home an income to help things get better for the siblings. It begins with School to improve livelihoods for girls with a goal to get to improved business and or employ-ability skills, small business ownership, improved community participation and even formal employment.
Thank you Fisher Jones Greenwood Solicitors (FJG) for sponsoring part of our Education component and for being by our side on this exciting journey.
Today, children make up nearly half of Sub-Saharan Africa’s population. Soon these children will become the region’s leaders and workforce.