We have new partners |Profiles International Kenya

Sometimes it is pretty easy to lose focus and lose momentum, we try so hard not to because of all the lives that we touch. Which is why whenever we get a new partner on board we know that we are right on track with all the effort we are putting in getting drop out girls in Kajiado back to School.

I am excited to share with you that Profiles International Kenya are our new partners in helping our girls get the education they need. They have come on board this June which basically means we are in store for a very exciting rest of the year. Thank you Ms. Vicky Karuga for #makingithappen.

Profiles will be supporting one girl to go back to school finish her Primary and Secondary school education, to get it done and done! I can’t wait for all the amazing things in store for us together. Working with our partners always makes the efforts worth while #education makes the world of difference and #girlsmatter



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